Last updated on
February 8, 2023
MailChimp automation using this simple three-step process can help boost loyalty and engagement in your email subscribers
We all know that email lists are pure gold, right? If someone relates enough with your blog to offer up their personal email address, then you’ve got a direct connection with someone that is likely to be a target customer or at least care about what you have to say.
But how many blogs and businesses actually use their email list effectively? A survey of email campaigns across industries shows that an average of just 23% of subscribers open any given email and just 8% actually click through a link.
The good news is that you don’t have to be content with average response rates on your email marketing campaigns. With marketing automation capabilities in Mailchimp, and a simple three-step process, you could see response rates jump while building an engaged and loyal audience.
MailMunch automatically syncs with MailChimp lists to integrate all your opt-in forms to send new subscribers directly into targeted lists. You get complete functionality with every type of opt-in form including pop-ups, embedded, top bar and scroll boxes.
Why are open and click rates so abysmally low for email list messages? Because most blogs and businesses do not take the time to really integrate new subscribers and make them feel a part of the community.
Doing so can be a lengthy process, sending out the right message at the right time to connect and engage subscribers. Do it right though and you will build an email list that drives traffic and sales!
And that is exactly what MailChimp automation can do for your email marketing. Automating the process makes sure that every subscriber is carefully integrated into the community in a way that seems personal and relevant.
MailChimp automation drives three key factors for your email list:
It all leads to a more loyal and engaged subscriber base, something every blog needs to be successful.
Without the benefit of MailChimp automation, constantly monitoring your email list and individually sending out your emails would take hours. Integrating your MailMunch opt-in forms with MailChimp and setting your messages to run automatically takes just minutes.
1) You will always want to send an introduction email immediately after someone subscribes to your newsletter or buys a product. Besides thanking them for joining the community, this is your chance to reinforce your blog’s best selling points. Share testimonials readers have offered about how blog content has changed their life and share your own story about how it has changed yours.
2) A few days after the introduction email, you will want to send another personal email. This will be the most important email you ever send. New subscribers are likely to open the first ‘introduction’ email they receive immediately after subscribing. If you can get them to read the second email, and get them to really see the value in your emails, then you’ve developed a trend in their thinking. They’ve opened two emails in a row, both with great information, they are now likely to keep opening future emails.
You will really want to drive the point home why your blog is so useful in this second email. Offer a few disturbing, surprising or really important facts. Information that makes them think, “Wow, I am lucky for having found this blog!”
3) Follow your second email up after a few days to a week with your best performing article or content. The article that everyone says they really enjoyed reading and it really helped them. This is your chance to highlight a post that new readers might not otherwise see and a chance to really wow them with information. Add a few questions in the email to get them engaging with the content.
Besides automating the email subscription process, MailChimp automation allows you to integrate goals into your email messaging. You can develop an email that is sent out when a subscriber visits a specific page or makes a product purchase. Use this opportunity to send targeted emails about the content or about the product. Targeting your emails like this makes them relevant to the content and products which interest your subscribers.
You can also develop a series of messages that will go out automatically ahead of an event or a specific date to increase participation. The potential to increase engagement and build a loyal community to your blog through MailChimp automation is immense. I have seen open and click rates double by using the three-step process above. If you are not automating your emails, your blog will never do as well as it could.
Content marketing guru at Mailmunch. I’m passionate about writing content that resonates with people. Live simply, give generously, stay happy.
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