20 Tips To Optimize Your Landing Page To Boost Conversions

Frank Hamilton
Frank Hamilton

Last updated on

February 8, 2023

Landing pages have always been very important for digital marketing because they are one of the best tools available when it comes to attracting traffic. In addition to that, they can be incredibly effective and useful for your sales. This post takes you through 20 useful points you can use to optimize landing pages for maximum conversions.

#1 Structure and Format Your Content

It goes without saying that your landing pages should look good in order to be appealing for your site visitors. All the content you decide to put on them should be structured and formatted appropriately, so that your audience can easily navigate the page without constantly questioning what is going on.

Too many images can make your page look cluttered while blocks of text will look like you tried to cram as much content in one space as possible. To better structure your text, consider using bullet points or numbered lists and use images to divide your page into visual sections.

#2 The Visual Aspect

Speaking of images, your visuals should be carefully picked for each of your landing pages, so that they correspond to the topic of every such page and the text you choose to place on them. If you decide to use something beyond images like videos or GIFs, make sure that they are just as relevant as the pictures.

The theme should also be balanced, so you should use complementary or contrasting colors rather than combining whatever you saw first. If you use photography, make sure that there are people in your photos, because showing faces can positively influence the impression your site visitors get.

#3 Five-Second Rule

The five-second rule states that you have about five seconds to attract the attention of your potential customers once they get to your page. This rule applies to articles, but it also applies to landing pages, so you need to make sure that you do everything you can to keep your audience on your page.

You need to make sure that your page visitors get the “hook” early on. This is something that will peak their interest and make them want to explore your landing page further. Once they start reading, they will probably keep on reading because it is just too interesting.

#4 Know Your Value

Those who try to sell a product without fully understanding the product often discover that their customers are confused and their audience isn’t interested. This is because you didn’t explain why your potential clients should care about the product (aka “What’s in it for me?”)

But knowing your offer is only part of the job. You should also know your competition to be able to show that your product is better than theirs or, at least, that what you are offering is better even if the product is pretty much the same.

#5 Get Customer Testimonials

Customer testimonials, reviews, and feedback all serve two main purposes: to give you more credibility and to take off your workload a bit. By finding online what your customers say about you or by actively collecting such feedback and testimonials, you will be able to have enough content to post without having to create it yourself.

At the same time, customer testimonials are known to increase trust and loyalty rates while also improving your credibility and authority. This is why including at least several of them on your landing pages should be one of your top priorities.

#6 Everything Important Should Be Visible

An interesting tip that you should keep in mind as a rule of thumb for yourself is that all the important information should be instantly visible on your landing page. This means that once your audience gets onto your landing page, they need to be able to see everything you want them to see first and foremost.

And this rule actually goes for everything that you have on your landing page. From forms to CTAs, you need to make sure that all of the essential parts can be seen immediately because most site visitors will not bother to scroll unless absolutely necessary.

#7 Enable Social Sharing

Letting your audience share your content is one of the easiest ways to get additional exposure and attract even more people to your landing page. The more page visitors you get, the more potential customers you have, the more sales you will make. There is really no downside to letting your audience share your content.

The best solution, of course, is to add social media sharing buttons for different sections of your landing page. For example, your images can be pinned on Pinterest while your videos can be viewed on YouTube and embedded on other blogs and websites.

#8 Adjust Your Forms

Speaking of forms, adjusting them appropriately is also important if you want to optimize your landing page even on the most detailed level. Asking too much information can be a problem because not everyone has the time to fill in long forms or simply doesn’t like sharing a lot. On the other hand, asking too little will not be useful to you at all.

This is why you should carefully think through what kind of information is more crucial to you. Make a list of fields you would want to be filled out and then consider whether or not you can get rid of some of these fields.

#9 Learn about Your Customers

Remember how we mentioned that knowing your competitors is important? Well, knowing your customers is perhaps even more so. After all, if you don’t know who your target audience is or you know it only to some extent, you will not be able to market your products well or create well-built landing pages that will sell these products.

Do your research and collect enough data to put together buyer personas that will help you determine how you should make your content for it to be relevant to these particular types fo customers that you are aiming for.

#10 Hire Good Writers

This is more related to the point on keeping the quality of your content as high as possible, but hiring good writers is one way to address this matter as effectively as possible. Good writers will create good content that will appeal to your audience and, in turn, improve sales.

There are two ways you could go about this: either have in-house writers or work with freelancers that you can easily find on a review site like Online Writers Rating. The first solution will ensure that you can always rely on someone you see every day, but the second solution is much better for those who are on a budget.

#11 Consistency Is Key

Keeping your campaign consistent is more important than you think. In fact, if there are inconsistencies in your content, your audience will be likely to notice at one point or another. Of course, this doesn’t just apply to your landing pages, but to all of your content as a whole.

This means that if your product descriptions on the product pages say that your jeans are only available in dark blue, then your landing page should also say that your jeans are available only in dark blue rather than in dark blue and in light blue. Visual content should also be preferably consistent rather than using photos of the said jeans worn by different people.

#12 Call to Action

A call to action or a CTA is perhaps the most instrumental element on your landing page. Sometimes you will want to use several different CTAs, but more often than not using a single one several times is much better, because it repeats the same idea multiple times and becomes more effective than different CTAs.

It is recommended that you use CTAs both in your text and in your visual content. If you have purely audio content too such as a podcast, add the CTA at the end (e.g. YouTubers and podcast hosts on other platforms usually ask their listeners to follow them at the beginning or at the end of their videos or audio podcasts).

#13 Use Keywords

It goes without saying that using keywords – both words and phrases – is a must when it comes to your text. However, using keywords in titles, headlines, and even URLs of your landing pages has proven to be just as useful.

Keywords in titles and headlines show your page visitors that they found what they were looking for while keywords in the URLs of your landing pages will show search engines what the page is about.

#14 Try to Include Urgency

Urgency is considered to be quite effective in selling products. If you can create urgency for what you are offering, your customers will be more likely to make a purchase, because they will be afraid to miss out on the opportunity. Your aim is to show that this is something that they really need and if they don’t get it, it will be their loss.

To create urgency, you can use several different tactics, but by far the most effective one is including a countdown timer that shows when the sale ends or when the discounted price will be reverted to the original. Alternatively, you could have a countdown timer saying how many items of your product are left.

#15 Directional Cues

Directional cues are meant to guide your site visitors and show your audience what they need to do or how they can navigate your landing page more productively. That being said, when creating directional cues, you shouldn’t sound patronizing or as if you are trying to force your page visitors to do something.

Think of it as a step-by-step guide on your landing page which is not entirely evident if you just take one look at the page, but still easily understandable once the person starts exploring your content.

#16 Keep in Mind Competition

Let’s make a step back and return to competition. It’s not only essential that you know who your competitors are and what they are up to, but also that you know how to present yourself to look like you are better or how you can improve yourself to actually be better than your competitors and have an edge over them.

Your unique competitive edge could be something purely technical or it could be something creative. Or, if you want to be simpler, having more variety will already give you some kind of competitive edge.

#17 Don’t Sell Too Much

Selling too much – or overselling – is a mistake done by more marketers than you can imagine. When you make your content too salesy or when you constantly try to sell your products, you will most likely come off as irritating rather than genuine.

Look for a balance between explicitly asking for your visitors to make a purchase and giving them useful content that will be reasonable enough to make your selling content not as abrupt.

#18 Match Your Copy

To elaborate on the topic of consistency, matching your copy can actually also be quite effective. Specifically, this relates to matching your ad and landing page copy. This will not only reduce the amount of time you spent on writing such copy, but it will also promote consistency in your campaign.

When you create your landing pages, one of the sources of traffic that you will be using is the entirety of your ads. You will need to keep the same tone on your pages as you do in your ads to ensure consistency.

#19 Add Contact Information

Never forget about the fundamental elements and pieces of information you must have on your landing pages and one of such is your contact information. This can be anything from your phone number to your main office’s address.

Put your contact information where it can be seen easily. This will usually be the header of your landing page, but you can also place it at the bottom of the page to remind your page visitors about it once they scroll down.

#20 Test as Much as You Can

Last but not least, always test as much as you can. Don’t just launch your online marketing campaign once you have everything ready and hope for it to work. Instead, do some A/B testing or another type of testing first.

Having focus groups to show your landing pages to can be effective enough, but even ask for advice or feedback from experts can be quite beneficial. In other words, don’t just hope and pray – test and experiment instead.

Final Thoughts

All in all, optimizing your landing pages properly will definitely help you with boosting your conversions, so make sure to take note of the advice in this article and start following these tips and implementing these tactics regularly.

Author Bio

Frank Hamilton

Frank Hamilton is a blogger and translator from Manchester. He is a professional writing expert in such topics as blogging, digital marketing, and self-education. He also loves traveling and speaks Spanish, French, German, and English.


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