3 CRO Techniques to Help You Increase Revenue, Conversion and Traffic

Momina Asif
Momina Asif

Last updated on

May 9, 2024

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) refers to actions aimed at optimizing a website or landing page. It is based on the analysis of what actions visitors take. Optimization is aimed at increasing the conversion (desired actions of visitors) on a specific page.

In a highly competitive environment, it becomes more difficult to return users every year. If visitors did not immediately enter the funnel, then the likelihood of them returning to your site and doing the right thing is significantly reduced. This means that you missed out on a potential client.

Conversion rate optimization is the only way to bring visitors back to your pages and increase the likelihood of taking the desired action.

A well-organized conversion rate optimization process implies finding new ways to increase traffic and conversion. And also allows you to significantly reduce cash costs, save time and effort.

CRO makes it possible to evaluate how convenient the site is for visitors, how they behave on the page.

Optimization also generates recommendations for improving UX in order to get the maximum result as quickly as possible. An optimization strategy is an ongoing learning process that should be based on an analysis of current visitor behavior.

3 Elements of CRO

Conversion rate optimization is a set of activities divided into several stages. You can talk about the success of optimization if, on the basis of the available data, a competent analysis of the results has been carried out, testing has been launched, content has been created that attracts the target audience, and the correct conclusions have been drawn. The challenge for the marketer in the CRO implementation process is to optimize the three core elements.

2. Landing page design

The way your landing page looks determines the behavior of its visitor. This is one of the main elements that affect the success of a website. Smart, beautiful design attracts attention.

As an example, consider the landing page of one of Zappos products. The client enters here with the intention of purchasing the thing they need. They can instantly add it to their cart. To do this, you need to click on one button. The client does not need to look for it for a long time. Strategically correct location (near the product description) and color (bright lime green) does not give the visitor time to think. In this case, competent design works to increase conversion.

Let's see what the success of this design is. Green is a welcoming color that grabs attention and creates a pleasant sensation. It was placed on a white background, which made the button stand out even more. Large high-quality images of the product enable the buyer to examine it in all details, which inspires confidence.

product landing page


A great combination is a competent page design and catchy text on it. Well-written copy can convince a visitor to make a purchase. If the text did not convince the potential client to take an action, it did not fulfill its function, the visitor left the page. There are two hooks to text styling: headers and content.


The first thing a visitor will notice is the title. If he is not "hooked" on this hook, he will not read the text. To keep the attention and lead the client to the next stage: reading the text, you need to consider details such as formatting and style.

When talking about formatting, you need to understand that the title should be eye-catching and readable. To do this, you need to choose the correct size, font and color. This is meticulous work, but professional designers know the correct proportions, so you just need to find a good specialist and rely on him.

Style - There are several headline writing techniques that help grab attention. Below are some examples.

Use numbers

They make headlines concise and understandable. Create a sense of benefit and desire to read the article.

website screenshot

Ask a question

Having a good knowledge of the target audience allows you to ask the right questions. If you understand the pains and needs of consumers, you will create a truly catchy headline.

neil patel blog

Consider a two-part headline

It formulates the question and hints at a solution. Such a move increases the value in the eyes of the con

There are other schemes, but we have demonstrated the most popular ones. Adapt them to your business and needs, and you will notice how your conversion rates change.

page headline example

Requirements for the text

The text should give the visitor an extended answer to the question: why do I need this product or service? The client will not read long texts that do not make sense, he is interested in the benefits and benefits that he will receive. The text should briefly and succinctly describe this benefit to them.

For the content to be effective, you need to know about some of the subtleties. They relate to the structure and style of writing.

  • Structure. Avoid large paragraphs, use headings, subheadings, and lists. Remember, the content should be easy to read and look harmonious.
  • Style. Choose a tone of voice that suits your target audience, let's see the clear benefits and benefits of reaching out to you. The text should be read in one breath, be clear and understandable.

We can see in the example of nyxcosmetics.co.uk how a competent approach to creating descriptions simplifies the process of exploring a product.

text structure example

2. Call to action

Another important element. You must make the visitor what you expect from him in the form of a request or appeal. You can encourage your visitor to take any action, from signing up for a newsletter to purchasing. The main task is to clearly and accurately set the task.

But not everything is as simple as it seems. A call to action must deliver value to the consumer. For example, Moz offers to try a Pro account for free. The user understands that it costs him nothing to test the functionality, which looks much more profitable than if it was just “Try Pro”. More often than not, people are not willing to pay to try. Therefore, think about what benefits you can offer in the CTA.

moz landing page

3. Navigation and structure

The easier it is to navigate the site, the higher the likelihood that the visitor will take the desired action. Optimal structure: from the main page through categories and subcategories to a product or service card. This is a fairly general scheme, but it is the most working one. Each site is different, but you shouldn't complicate the layout of your landing pages anyway.


Determining the optimal shape for a website is quite difficult. In one case, the short version works best, in the other, it will not be enough. Therefore, the best thing you can do is test it.

However, there are general guidelines that apply everywhere.

Try to be concise

It is worth expanding the number of fields only if you need additional information for analysis.

Create an attractive design

Avoid complex effects. It is better to lead the buyer to the goal with the help of tooltips. Perfect form construction - from complex to simple fields.

sign in form screenshot

Simplify the password creation process

Help the user create a small but informative password.

Add one-click login

Connect integration with popular services, such as Studocu did. This will help simplify sign-in and thus improve the user experience.

Page loading speed

According to the data, the most optimal site loading speed for conversion is 0-4 seconds. Don't underestimate this. After all, users don't like to wait. Poor site performance can mean that visitors will simply go to your competitors.


Each of these elements is important in itself, but without taking into account at least one, the whole complex of optimization measures can be considered unfulfilled. Therefore, if you want to increase your CRO, you must approach the issue from all sides. This is the only way you can achieve the desired results.

Author Bio

Momina Asif

Content marketer by day and book nerd by night, Momina works at Mailmunch as a Marketing Communications Specialist. Momina eats, sleeps, and breathes content marketing. Her expertise ranges from ideation to production to distribution of content, thanks to 4+ years of experience in the B2B content marketing sphere.


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