Last updated on
February 8, 2023
Email has emerged as the marketing king—if you can get into someone's inbox, you've made a huge leap out of the crowd clamoring for their attention, and you're a good chunk of the way towards making a sale. But there's one thing standing between you and a bigger, better, bottom-line-boosting subscriber list.
Whether a prospect has stumbled across your page for the first time or has been nurtured through a few steps in your sales funnel, at some point they're going to come face to face with you email opt in form, and the text you choose to put on the form can make or break their subscription decision. Make no mistake: there's a right way and a wrong way to get this done, and luckily for you we know the difference.
Even luckier, we've decided to share a few open secrets for anyone who wants to see their opt in rates increase.
If I see one more email opt in form promising me regular updates and special offers if I just sign up for a newsletter, I might just give up the Internet altogether (for a few minutes, at least). OF COURSE I'll get regular updates and special offers if I sign up for your newsletter—that's what newsletters ARE!
You want to show prospects the real value of signing up for your email subscriptions list. Are they getting the best insider stock tips? News that could affect the health and safety of their kids? Humorous anecdotes in the mid-afternoon, right when they need them the most?
Show them your emails themselves have value, beyond keeping them updated about chances to buy stuff from you. If your copy doesn't do that, most will just keep scrolling.
We all want to belong, and if we think that signing up for something puts us in a club with like-minded individuals we're far more likely to do it.
Email opt ins that mention subscriber and/or customer numbers or that identify a special segment of people (young professionals, civil engineers, beekeepers, frisbee enthusiasts) are far more effective than their generic and numberless counterparts.
Write some copy that creates a sense of community, and convince your prospects that they're joining a group already in progress. That's a lot more compelling than keeping them isolated or asking them to help you build something up.
You should use as many words as you need to communicate your value and provide a sense of community, then you should stop.
More words means more time for them to consider signing up, which means more time to talk them out of something they're probably naturally predisposed to—they're on your site and have read this far, so chances are they're interested. Don't make it easy for them to change their minds; capture their attention and their address as quickly as possible.
Here are a few examples to get you started:
"Join 50,000 concerned parents with the latest kids health news."
"Be a part of the digital marketing revolution in real time. Subscribe."
"Get together with 500 basket weavers who always have a handle on the current happenings."
Ayesha Ejaz
February 10, 2025
Ayesha Ejaz
January 28, 2025
Ayesha Ejaz
January 20, 2025