Best Email Marketing Platform for Woocommerce in 2024

M. Usama
M. Usama

Last updated on

May 21, 2024

As you know, WooCommerce offers its users limited, text-based email marketing solutions.

You can not send emails with audio and visuals using WooCommerce’s email marketing solution.

But you don’t need to worry about it. We have reviewed over 50 email marketing platforms for woocommerce and found that only some are the best.

We have suggested the best WooCommerce email marketing platforms and secret tips below that can increase your ROI between 30% to 47%.

So, let’s start exploring without wasting any time.

3 Reasons Why WooCommerce's Built-In Email Solution Is Not Enough

WooCommerce can be a great starter for e-commerce businesses but might not be good for your email marketing needs in the long run.

Here are the 3 reasons why you shouldn't use WooCommerce built-in email solutions:

1. Lack of Advanced Features and Reporting

The main limitation of Woocommerce email marketing is that the platform offers relatively basic email automation and segmentation capabilities.

While the platform can offer functions like sending order confirmations or shipping notifications, it lacks the advanced automation features necessary for campaigning.

2. Lack of Personalization

Personalization is the key if you want to create a meaningful connection with your customers and drive conversions.

Unfortunately, the WooCommerce email marketing solution lacks the sophisticated targeting and segmentation features necessary for delivering a personalized campaign.

3. Email Limits

You cannot send direct marketing emails to your customers using a WooCommerce platform. Since the platform offers only transactional emails, it allows text-only emails.

If you want to send promotional emails with audio and visuals, you should use another platform, Mailmunch.

Want to know more about Mailmunch? We have gathered it all below.


A Quick Pick Section To Use Best Email Marketing Platform For Woocommerce

Knowing that your time is valuable, we have suggested here the best email marketing platform for woocommerce on our list.

It's a complete email marketing solution for WooCommerce that offers all the unique solutions required to grow an e-commerce business.

Mailmunch: The best email marketing solution for WooCommerce

  • Email Automation
  • Unlimited Campaigns
  • Drip Emails
  • 1000 Contacts
  • Premium Templates
  • Advanced Analytics and Reporting.
  • Basic features are available for all users. Inc free

Click here to start your free trial.

List Of 10 Email Marketing Software for Woocommerce

  • Mailmunch - The overall best email marketing platform for Woocommerce
  • Omnisend - The best omnichannel platform for WooCommerce
  • Active Campaign - The best multi-channel email marketing platform for WooCommerce
  • Brevo - The all-in-one digital marketing partner for WooCommerce
  • Mailchimp - The best free email marketing platform for WooCommerce
  • Mailpoet - The perfect email marketing platform for users who love the WooCommerce Interface.
  • Moosend - Email marketing tools for small and medium enterprises
  • Send Pulse - Jack of all trades marketing tool for WooCommerce
  • Constant Contact - The best email marketing solution for small business owners.
  • Remarkty - The e-commerce-focused email marketing platform for WooCommerce


Pricing and Plans 

  • Starting at $19/mo, Flexible pricing is available for custom plans


  • Custom Templates
  • Automation
  • Data Analytics and Reporting
  • Unlimited Campaigns
  • 1000 Contacts with Premium Plan

Mailmunch is at the top of our recommendation list due to its simplicity and scalability. The platform can grow as your business grows.

You can access the service's basic plan and a wide range of customizable templates to make emailing easier.

The platform also features a unique drag-and-drop email design feature, which allows you to create emails that suit your preferences easily.

Let’s check out some pros and cons of the platform.

Pros and Cons



Easy Integration

Limited Design Flexibility

Easy to use

Customer Support

Advanced Targeting

Depends on Website Traffic

A/B Testing

Pricing - Advanced Features

Customizable Forms

Data Analytics and Reporting

Start your Mailmunch Journey Today


Pricing and Plans

  • 2,000 contacts (24,000 emails per month): $30/mo, free plan for 500 emails to 250 contacts


  • Customized Forms
  • Email Automation
  • Newsletters
  • Omnichannel Platform

The second on our list of the best email marketing platform for WooCommerce comes Omnisend. The Omnichannel platform allows you to manage your emailing campaigns, SMSs, and push notifications.

The platform offers easy syncing and can connect to your system in minutes. Once installed, you can use the platform to create unique newsletters and mail for your customers.

Some key pros and cons of the Omnisend platform include

Pros and Cons



Omnichannel Marketing



Difficulty in Learning

Segmentation and Targeting

Limited Template Designs

Multi-channel Campaigns

Complex Features

Email and SMS Marketing

Customer Support

Detailed Analytics

Active Campaign

Pricing and Plans

  • 1,000 contacts: $39/mo, 2,500 contacts: $61/mo


  • Forms and Pop-ups
  • Landing Page Builder
  • Email, SMS, and Social Media Marketing Capabilities
  • Data Analytics and Reporting

With its multi-channel marketing capabilities, Active Campaign is a great way to start with digital marketing.

The only issue you will face with integrating Active Campaign with WooCommerce is that you will also have to download the WooCommerce plug-in on Active Campaign.

However, once you have completed the installation, you will have access to a wide variety of features, including landing pages, a template library, an email designer, and more.

Pros and Cons




Difficult Features

Advanced Segmentation


Email Personalization

Limited Design Templates


Complex Advanced Features


Delivery Issues

Limited Customer Support


Pricing and Plans

  • 300 emails/day: $0/mo, 40,000 emails: $35/mo


  • All-in-one marketing platform
  • Built-in CRM
  • Advanced targeting and segmentation
  • Email automation

Brevo is a great integration for WooCommerce, providing a complete digital marketing solution for e-commerce.

The platform offers many solutions, including CRM integration, advanced segmentation, and targeting. 

The only downside to the platform is its price. While you can use the free version that only allows you to send 300 emails, you must purchase a premium plan for more emails.

While on the topic, here is a look at a few more pros and cons of Brevo.

Pros and Cons



User-Friendly Interface

Limited Automation Features

SMS Marketing Capabilities

Limited Template Library

Advanced Automation - Premium Users

Reporting and Analytics Simplification

Customer Support Response Time

Deliverability Concerns


Pricing and Plans

  • 500 contacts: $13/mo, 2,500 contacts: $45/mo


  • AI Email Content Generator
  • Landing Pages
  • Custom Templates
  • SMS and Social Media Marketing

Mailchimp is popular for its free email marketing features, but did you know that the platform also offers features such as SMS, Digital Marketing, Custom templates, and more?

You can easily implement the free Mailchimp email marketing plug-in with your WooCommerce store and use the free features.

But don’t forget that some unique and advanced features will not be available for free, so you will have to pay for them.

While on the topic, let's check out some pros and cons of the software.

Pros and Cons



User-Friendly Interface

Limited Automation Features

Free Plan Available

Price Increases with Subscriber Count

Template Library

Restrictive Email Design Customization

Advanced Reporting and Analytics

Limited Customer Support 

A/B Testing Capabilities

No Phone Support

Delivery Issues


Pricing and Plans

  • 1,000 contacts (5,000 emails per month): free, 500 contacts: $10/mo


  • Easy Navigation
  • Form and Email Editor
  • Advanced Segmentation and Targeting
  • Email Automation

If you do not like navigating two different interfaces, Mailpoet is for you. The platform is similar to WooCommerce and has been designed to model WordPress.

The free version lets you access basic email marketing features like form and email designers, custom template library, and segmentation.

But for the advanced features, expect to pay more. You can check out other pros and cons of the service below.

Pros and Cons



Free Plan Available

Limited sends and contacts on the free plan

User-friendly interface and drag-and-drop editor

Complex Mobile App

Extensive library of email templates

Limited A/B testing on free plan

Marketing automation capabilities

Less cost-effective for large contact lists

Great reporting and analytics

Slow customer support

Limited inbox preview tool (paid plans only)


Pricing and Plans

  • Free trial, Pro plans for $9/mo, and custom plans


  • Drag and Drop email builder
  • A/B Testing
  • Pop-up Forms and Landing Pages
  • Advance Segmentation

Moosend is the perfect email marketing solution for small and medium businesses. It offers great features at affordable pricing.

You can access features like a user-friendly interface, email builder, custom landing pages, automation features, and more with Moosend.

If you're curious to learn more about the service, let’s examine some of the pros and cons of using Moosend.

Pros and Cons



Easy to use

Some advanced features are missing

Affordable pricing

Limited options for customizing emails

Can target specific groups easily

Limited Reporting

Simple email designs

Not as many integrations are available

Emails deliverability

Customer support issues


Pricing and Plans

  • Free, Standard $6.40/mo, Pro $7.68/mo, Enterprise $10.75/mo


  • Pre-built template library
  • A/B Testing
  • Segmentation and Targeting
  • 24/7 Customer Support

If you are a business owner interested in a taste of everything, you are in the right place with SendPulse.

The platform offers a little bit of everything from push notifications and email marketing to CRM features.

You can automate your emails with SendPulse, and rest assured that they will be delivered to your customers on time.

Here are a few more pros and cons of the software for better understanding.

Pros and Cons



Multi-channel marketing platform

Difficult for Beginners

A variety of email templates

Complex Automation

A/B testing for email campaigns

Limited Integration

Affordable pricing plans

Occasional Glitches

Support Issues

Constant Contact

Pricing and Plans

  • Starts at $20/month for 500 subscribers. Email Plus at $45/month for 500 subscribers. 


  • Real-Time Tracking
  • Client Segmentation
  • Automation
  • Segmentation
  • Digital Marketing

The best email marketing tool for small business owners, Constant Contact offers great price plans and great features.

It offers an easy-to-use and learn interface and automation tool for new users to create email campaigns.

Looking into Constant Contact, here are a few pros and cons of the service.

Pros and Cons



User-friendly interface

Limited customization options

Support and resources

Higher pricing 

Strong deliverability rates

Limited automation features

Integration with e-commerce platforms

Basic email editor

Reporting and analytics

Limited A/B testing options


Pricing and Plans

  • Basic at $25, Starter $100, Advanced $100.


  • Customer Segmentation
  • Automated Follow Ups
  • A/B/C Testing
  • Abandon Cart Recovery and Predictive Product Recommendations
  • Email Performance and Tracking.

Remarkety is an email marketing software that is created for e-commerce business owners. 

The platform offers advanced features perfect for marketing managers looking to create a compelling and complex email marketing campaign.

Some pros and cons that come with Remarkety include:

Pros and Cons



Powerful automation features

High Pricing

Easy integration with e-commerce platforms

Difficult for Beginners

Advanced segmentation capabilities

Limited Customization

Detailed reporting and analytics

System Glitches

Responsive customer support

Limited Template Selection

We have looked into some of the best email marketing platforms for WooCommerce currently on the market, and now the question arises of how to get the most out of them.

Let’s check out some tips to make the most out of your email marketing campaigns.

Get the most out of email marketing.

Here are some great tips to help you get the most out of your email marketing campaigns and platform.

  1. Get the Right People on Your List: Instead of adding anyone, focus on finding people interested in your offer.
  2. Make it a Conversation: Write emails that sound like you're talking to a friend. Keep them interesting and helpful.
  3. Make Sure Emails Look Good on Phones: Most people check emails on their phones, so make sure your emails look good on small screens.
  4. Write Subject Lines Interesting for Readers: The subject line should make people want to open your email. Keep it short and interesting.
  5. Make Emails Personal: Use the person's name and talk about things they're interested in.
  6. Try Different Things and See What Works: Test different parts of your emails to see what people like best.
  7. Make Sure Emails Actually Get to People: Personalize emails and focus on your content to ensure they land in inboxes, not spam folders.
  8. Let Automation Help You Out: Use tools that automatically send emails, like welcoming new subscribers or reminding people about things they left in their shopping cart.
  9. Keep an Eye on How Well Emails Are Doing: Pay attention to how many people open your emails and click on links. Use this information to improve your emails.
  10. Keep Learning and Improving: There's always something new to learn about email marketing. Keep trying new things and getting better at it.

Final Thoughts

Choosing the right email marketing platform for your online store can make a big difference in the success of your business. 

While WooCommerce's basic email features are okay to start with, using a more advanced platform like Mailmunch can help you do more with your emails.

So, if you want to increase your ROI by 37% to 40%, pick the one that best fits your needs and budget. It can really help your business grow and connect better with your customers.

Have you tried any of our suggestions with WooCommerce? If so, what was it like? Let us know in the comment section below.

Author Bio

M. Usama

M. Usama is an SEO Growth Specialist and Content Marketer at Mailmunch. He is passionate about crafting engaging and informative content on email marketing and lead generation.

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